MONDAY Discovered a great new game today called 'Keep Throwing Everything On The Floor Repeatedly For Ages'. (Needs a snappier title but you get the drift.) Big people joined in too. They kept picking everything up so I could keep playing. TUESDAY Got porridge all over my face at breakfast. Felt great. Looked like a beard. Big people wiped it off. I cried. Can't wait to grow a beard. WEDNESDAY Got into a pickle today - tried to roll and it went tits up. Got trapped on my side between a toy and a load of sick for about three seconds. Was scared but didn't cry. I'm quite brave sometimes. THURSDAY Was in my cot last night and could hear the big people messing with my toys. They swear and shout a lot more when they play than I do. FRIDAY Blew a raspberry that lasted a full ten minutes. So much dribble. Felt lightheaded and couldn't see straight at one point. What a rush. SATURDAY Some woman at the shops thought I was only 3 months ol...