MONDAY Woke up early to plan new ways to twat my head. Came up with seven. Executed four and improvised the rest. TUESDAY Listen, Daddy. I know where my nose is so you should frigging well know where yours is – stop asking me all the time. It’s fucking embarrassing. Look at the end of your face you gormless prick. WEDNESDAY Drank bath water tonight. Tasted like soup. Did a big soapy shite before bed. What a day. THURSDAY Somehow ended up with two dummies for the morning. Then found a third I’d stashed behind the fridge. It was decent once you got past the fluff. Kept swapping between the three. Felt like a King. Then lost one and the other two got confiscated. Felt utterly broken till someone gave me a biscuit. FRIDAY I’ve had it with jigsaws you know. Every time I fix the picture the stupid big people go and wreck it again. They’re so messy. God knows how they live like this. SATURDAY Today I learned to walk a bit! None of this holding-on-to-stuff bollocks either - pro...