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Showing posts from May, 2015

Day 16 - Save The N.H.S.

Yesterday my country voted for the next Government. It was my first General Election as a parent which gave it added importance and also made me very nervous. The key issue for me was the NHS. I’ve been lucky enough to never need an operation but as I’ve written about on this blog one of my newborn sons did on the first full day of his life. The health care we received was phenomenal from start to finish. From our very first scan , to our regular scans at the Women’s Hospital, the staff were professional, compassionate and supportive.  We went there fortnightly and met peadiatricians, doctors, midwives and specialists who put our minds at rest when things weren’t as we’d hoped and helped us plan the best way to ensure our lads would come out healthy at the other end. The midwives who steered my wife through a 28 hour labour and then emergency c-section were real life guardian angels (the helpful type, not the biker gang) and we’ll forever be in debt to ...