MONDAY Got given a meal that didn’t just look horrible, it downright offended me. I mean, I didn’t even know what it was but the second they put the plate down in front of me, I could just tell it was minging. Decided to bypass the usual gradual acceleration from whimpering-to-crying-to-screaming and just went straight in at end-of-fucking-days yelling and screeching. THEN those fuckers tried to sneak a bit into my mouth, right in the middle of my existential meltdown. Pricks. (I needed empathy at that point, not mashed potato.) Spent twenty minutes refusing to co-operate and trying to escape my high chair until they eventually ignored me for a bit and I ate the whole plate. Bloody lovely it was. Bit cold though. TUESDAY The Big People are always like, ‘Why are you awake so early?’ Check inside my nappy, Sherlock – that’ll help you crack the puzzle. You try sleeping when your buttocks are drowning in their own filth. WEDNESDAY Had some Calpol today. That stuff is magic.