1. Hell hath no fury like a toddler when you turn the telly off.
2. If you haven't sang 'Old Macdonald Had A Farm' all the way from M6 junction 12 to M62 junction 10, trust me - the time just flies by

3. Some arguments my boys are now having with each other are ridiculous. A recent debate about whether a bus was a bus descended into full scale violence.
4. Standard conversation in our house...
ME: Are you having a poo, son?
*toddler's face changes actual shape while he grits his teeth and nearly pops an eyeball out*
SON: No?
ME: Are you having a poo, son?
*toddler's face changes actual shape while he grits his teeth and nearly pops an eyeball out*
SON: No?
5. Introduced the old Black Lace 'Superman' song to my kids and apparently the command just after 'Clean your teeth' is 'Kick Daddy in the bollocks.'