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The Secret Diary of a 10 Month Old (Part 16)

Bit my finger at lunch. Fuck me, it hurt. Did it again straight after. Same finger. Was more embarrassed than anything but decided to cry as wanted a cuddle.

Pissed in my own face today. Don't even know how. It was dead warm and the big people totally freaked out. I didn't even mind. It was quite refreshing.

Didn't sleep at all tonight. Made noises instead. Great times.

Need to sort my life out. Tried to grab the poo from my nappy today. What is wrong with me?

Spent every nappy change trying to roll onto my side and front. I'm a team player. You've got to help the big people out where you can.

Laughed more than ever playing Peekaboo. What a game. Reckon that could go global.

Decided to throw my head to the side as I was carried through a doorway. Hit my head on the frame. Cried for ages. Some of my life choices are really poor.



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