1.I've gained weight quicker than a sleeping bag in the
2.Tidying up isn't a job you can finish - it's a constant
work in progress.
3.Sleep is an old friend I've lost touch with.
4.Without coffee I am nothing.
5.When your baby laughs the world makes sense.
6.I've never been skydiving but I can't imagine that
experience comes close to the exhilaration of getting both twins to nap
7.My personal standards are now lower than an earthworms
arsecheek. I leave the house with stains on my pants most days.
8.Babies give you endless new material to write about but
zero time to write it.
9.I'm proud of the NHS. On this day last year we received
some heartbreaking news about one of our little boys at a routine pregnancy
scan. Due to the diligent, professional and compassionate care we received from
NHS staff we now have two healthy, happy babies a year later. Thank you.
10.I'm fucked if I'm staying up till midnight tonight.
Thanks for all your support in 2015 and I hope you all have
a happy and healthy 2016 :)
Sam x