1.The grime inside a baby’s neck folds is worse than
anything found on a nightclub floor.
2.Coffee is more important than oxygen.
3.Someone has told my lads that solid food is ingested
via the ears and nose.
4.Dirty nappies after solids get a very bad press. I’m a
5.It’s possible to get so excited about going to sleep that
you can’t sleep.
6.Babies should be born with teeth.
7.If something looks like poo and smells like poo, it’s poo.
8.If something looks like Marmite and smells like Marmite,
it’s poo.
9.Both twins simultaneously weeing in the bath to create a live
water feature is much funnier than I thought.
10.Playing with my kids is amazing but nap time is just as amazing (and sometimes more so).
(Read #2 here)
(Read #2 here)